Helpful contact details
There are many support networks and providers specialising in each particular area of mental health. Whatever the issue may be there is support out there and available for all.
Some of the key words which may be useful in helping you or someone else find the appropriate support are as follows: abuse, addiction, therapies, anxiety, armed forces, carers, bereavement, bi polar, debt, depression, crime victims, eating disorders, employment, family, learning disabilities, LGBTQIA+, nutrition, elderly, personality disorder, psychosis, refugees, self harm, stigma, students, suicide prevention, young people. You are able to find more information on these particular areas by searching the key words on the web.
If you are concerned about your own or someone else immediate welfare or if you believe they are in a mental health crisis then please do not hesitate to call emergency services on 999 or go to your nearest accident and emergency department. If it is non medical emergency but you still need urgent help call 111 for professional advice (they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round – and can help in supporting you in accessing the appropriate health service).
You can also make an appointment with your GP at a time that suits you; sit down and have an open conversation about how you are feeling and what you’ve been experiencing and they will discuss and support you in where to go from here.
Emotional and Crisis Support
Advice and Information
Rethink Advice and Information Service
Phone: 0300 5000 927
(local rates, 9.30am – 4pm)
Action for Happiness
Black Minds Matter
There are many helplines/websites out there which can offer you advice and guidance if you would like more help in finding the right one for you and/or a loved one. Please get in touch on if you are struggling on finding the right support contact for you and we will point you in the right direction of relevant support networks available.